Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, today's my birthday. We're heading out for dinner so I don't have to cook. Hopefully they boys will like Outback Steakhouse's gluten-free menu. If I can keep them away from the mac & cheese all will be well. Perhaps I get littlest one to have a salad. He actually eats it and at 9 yrs old. I forgive the dressing because I figure he's at least eating it. Not like older brother.

Our BBQ went well. The cheesecake was great. Everyone likes it except my Aunt who swore she could taste the goat cheese and had been forced to have goat cheese as a child and hates it to this day. Very little cheesecake was left over and today I know we've had a successful event without messing up little ones skin. What a relief. We'll see what happens at dinner.

Well off to the movies, the other thing I wanted to do as a family - Wall-E. Yeah!

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