Tuesday, November 3, 2009

new developments and food

Oldest's gluten intollerance was confirmed with the latest tests. Can it get any better? He's NOT happy! Trying my hand at menu planning to see if it will feel less overwhelming. We'll see...

Some gluten free things I've been serving:

  • Quinoa Breakfast Brownies - Elana's Pantry is great - these are a new family favorite!

  • Qunioa Stuffed peppers - the boys wouldn't touch these but hubby & I liked them.

  • Beef & pork roasts

  • Build Your Own Tacos - have a recipe for tortillas, again without flour but taste just like them. They are usually gone in one meal. I'll have to post the recipe when I have time.

  • Pizza - this is new and from a recipe at Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Recipe - its great! Took the dough to a local pizza place and they used it for us. That was great! Nice to have a recipe that doesn't contain rice flour so little one can have it.

Well TTFN, gotta get some other stuff done.

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