Thursday, June 4, 2009


Found a new product today while at Whole Foods. Its called MimicCreme and made from a blend of almonds and cashews. Totally vegan and mimics traditional cream in recipes such as fettucini sauce, ice cream, etc. I'm so excited to try it.

Made another ice cream recipe from Its an vegan, gluten-free ice cream recipe too but made from coconut milk and sweetened with agave. Anyone who knows me knows I love agave over any other sweetener out there. I bought it by the gallon from Bob's Red Mill. Way better than by the small squeeze bottle that's gone after one recipe.

The ice cream turned out great but little one said it needed to be a bit sweeter. I found it had a bit of an coconut aftertaste which I don't like but not enough to keep me from eating it. OH happy day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

behind the times

I'm having trouble keeping up with entries. For a while I forgot, then I remembered but didn't have time. Now I'm still out of time but thought a quick update might be worthy.

Took my little one back to the ND for follow up and his gut wasn't healing. It was recommended we test for heavy metals. Wouldn't you know it - he has everything in his system that he shouldn't. And at 10 the detox is long and slow. The ND said for as high as his lead was, she was surprised he didn't show signs of autism. Hmm... older one has Asperger's (high functioning autism).

So I decided I wanted to test the older one too for metals. Can't do that until we make sure his gut can handle the test. So stool testing and guess what? He has a really bad bug that causes ulcers. Luckily its treatable with antibiotics. Then we treat his high yeast count, then we can finally test for metals. Plus his test showed him gluten intollerant - which means the whole family is most likely intollerant. Me too!? Who knew!?